Saturday, December 10, 2011

Step three: Go to an Occupy event.

Standing together with those who share your dream.

Now that you have a compatriot who shares your dream and is willing to work a common strategy together it's time to attend an Occupy event. Don't worry if you don't know where to find one, simply Google the words, Occupy and the name of your hometown and the chances are you'll find a website for an Occupy group near you. If you don't find one in your community Google the name of the state you live in and the word Occupy. You'll find something close to you I'm sure. Visit their website, find out what they're doing and if they have an event planned in the near future go to it. Simple as that...

Remember, Occupy is a new movement. Sometimes events will consist of only a small handful of people. Sometimes you'll find large groups of people with inspirational speakers. I've attended both types of event and always managed to find something good to take home with me afterwards. The most important thing to remember about your first event is your participation. Whether the event is small or large you added to it simply by being there.

First Event Tips.

1. Be sure to take a camera. Nothing helps to recruit new people to your revolutionary cell than pictures. One picture is indeed worth a thousand words. Showing people what you're doing will always have more impact than telling them what you're doing.

2. Don't forget to pick up informational and event fliers. Use your first event trip as a fact finding mission. The more information you have, the more information you have to work with.

3. Have fun. Yes, Occupy is a serious cause and the issues we're addressing are serious issues, but having fun brings people together and that's what Occupy is about too. Enjoy the experience and you'll want to do it again.

(Once you have completed step three and have attended an Occupy event, proceed to step four.)

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