Thursday, December 22, 2011

Step seven: Time to consolidate, part two.

A lean mean "Occupy" machine...

By now you have consolidated the business end of your revolutionary cell and are indeed a lean, mean "Occupy" machine. Every day you spend some time reading the strategy guide. (You can almost quote it at will now.) Everything you do is in accordance with the prescribed tactics. Your four member cell is now capable of quick planning, fast movement, fast action and your pranks are starting to take on real humor and flair. Now for the next step in the consolidation process, Gathering Allies.

According to the strategy guide, allies are different than campaigners. The job of Campaigners is to take the initative and get the ball rolling; the job of allies is to come in and help push once the ball is rolling. Your revolutionary cell is a group of campaigners. You have started a ball rolling by organizing around a strategy and forming a small, tight-knit group of individuals working together to promote social change. You are performing pranks and attending Occupy rallies and adding your voices to the growing chorus of dissent spreading across the land. Now is the time to reach out into the community around you and look for allies who share your vision and wish to add their voices and efforts to the Occupy movement. Reach out to these individuals, do not wait for them to come to you. You'll be surprised at how many people are willing to join the cause, if you just reach out and invite them to participate.

The mistake to avoid here is extending an open invitation for anyone and everyone to join your revolutionary cell. The Occupy movement is not a social club. It is not about forming the largest possible group. The Occupy movement is about effectively organizing resistance to address the greatest evil in the world today, economic inequality. Gathering allies is the next step in organizing effectively.

Begin by inviting people you know to participate in the activities you are participating in. Invite friends to participate in your pranks or to attend the same Occupy events you are attending. Some of the people you invite will fall away or lose interest in the movement or decide they wish to move in another than you. Don't be discouraged by this fact. Eventually you will find people just as interested in changing the world as you are and these are the allies you want to surround yourself with. Eventually you will develop a group of allies who are working as hard as you are to fight the system exploiting the ninety-nine percent of us for individual profit and greed. This prepares us for the next step in organizing our revolutionary organization; Building new revolutionary cells.

(Once you have completed step seven and have invited friends and neighbors to participate in the activities and pranks you are performing and have developed a solid core of allies who are as devoted to working for change as you are, move on to step eight.)

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